This is Martyn Lawrence Bullard from Bravo's Million Dollar Decorators which began its second season last night. Martyn is a decorating dandy from the UK and he'll say things like, "I just found the perfect $50,000 pillow for Cher, it's delicious." Or, "I'm decorating Elton John's guest house and I just discovered a nesting table for $300,000 that will be perfect. It's delicious." Ok, I exagger
ate but also I'm not far off. Last night Martyn was all in a kerfuffle over a contractor who had fabricated a two million dollar fireplace (I kid) and then skipped town. Oh he was NOT having it. I hit pause on my dvr as he made that especially sour expression. It was DELICIOUS! I poke fun but I do like Martyn and his designs are pretty de-li-cious.
Ink, pen, and pencil on paper.