I've got a thing for bunnies. I do. I love real live bunnies, I love bunnies in artwork, I love it when I see people in bunny costumes or wearing bunny ears..... I even call my guy bunny. I've also got a thing for guys who take photos of themselves in the mirror with their cameras or their phone's camera. Usually those pix which are taken in various states of undress are for hooking up purposes. They can also be for vanity, to check progress on gym activities, or they can just be for the hell of it. Whatever the motivation, I'm into it. About four months ago, I decided to combine those interests and made at least a dozen of the following bunnies which I'll be posting them here and there. I've got a bigger project in mind for these but for now, here are a couple to get the bunny ball rolling.
This dapper bunny with an orange Iphone is available as a print here.
This taupe bunny with red Iphone is also available as a print here.
More bunnies to follow shortly.