Please click here to see the gorgeous photo of Nadya Suleman from taken just eight days before giving birth to her octuplets which inspired the below illustration. Ohhh..... the crazy are always fun to draw and she's got enough crazy to share with everyone on the internet. I thought twice about adding to the freak show that is the Nadya experience, but in the end I just couldn't resist.
I somehow found my way onto her website (I'm not linking to that though) and I wanted to headbutt my computer screen. Her cheerful homepage is full of photos of the newborns and colorful icons to click on and donate her money via PayPal. I had a flash of an endorsement covered nascar and imagined Nadya's belly similiarly coated with payment options. Yuck. Sorry again for adding to the madness.
Ink on paper with digital color.
If you enjoy looking at my drawings online, the next step would be
having one or two or three in your home. Interested? Click on over to
etsy shop and take a gander. And your credit card. :) Much appreciated!