There are so many reasons to love Ann Coulter.
I'd like to give a couple of my favorites:
When she said Bill Clinton's "rampant promiscuity does show some level of latent homosexuality." Hmm?
And today when she said, "I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot' so I can't really talk about Edwards." Oh really?
I was a bit hesitant to do this posting because so she clearly craves attention and I didn't want to give her any extra. But when I read her comments about Edwards a couple of hours ago I knew I had to do a little something.
While I was doing this illustration I thought of a new cocktail in honor of Ann.
It would be the Coultini.
Made of:
1 part Evil
1 part Botox
1 part fried barbie doll hair
Served cold and dry in a black dress.