I hit pause on my dvr remote as fish-lipped Taylor Armstrong from the Real Housewives of BH snuck a peak at the impossible spastic medium/ clairvoyant she'd enlisted to cleanse the negativity from her home. That medium (who's a size large at least) flinched, flailed, and twitched like she was being stung by bees as she spritzed fabreze and prayed the evil away. I did a quick pencil sketch and then colored it using watercolor and mac cosmetics: paint sticks, eyeshadow, pigments......She's for sale here:https://www.etsy.com/listing/118520229/taylor-armstrong-from-the-real
Lol! I knew, as I was watching the sneak peek episode last night, that her crazy face twitching would be depicted by you! Spot on, as usual.
Posted by: sarah | December 20, 2012 at 10:26 AM
What a luscious she-beast lips mcgee is
Posted by: Bryan | December 23, 2012 at 10:40 PM